Amirmahdi Mostofinejad PhD Candidate

My Expertise

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. My graduate school projects focused on mathematical model development for different biological phenomena, with my master’s focusing on tumor-induced angiogenesis (PDE-based) and my Ph.D. on neotissue growth in bioreactors (ODE-based). I have also developed a parameter estimator for biology-informed deep learning in SDE-based dynamical systems. My interests are mathematical modeling, optimization, multiphysics, dynamical systems, deep learning, and physics-informed machine learning.


I have deployed projects with open-source libraries such as, SciML, scikit-learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and FEniCS.


I have 7+ years of scripting and coding on Julia, Python, and MATLAB.


Git, Gulp, Grunt, NPM, Linux, Docker, you name it, I have used a bajillion tools!